Local Hero of the Month: UK Coast Guard Uses FLIR Camera in Teen Cliff Rescue

Summer is here, which means the outdoors are our playground. Being aware of our surroundings and landmarks is vital when exploring the open-air, especially in new terrain. Earlier this month, more than 30 north London teenagers became disoriented and trapped by a rising tide at the base of treacherous cliffs along the Kent Coast in South England, having ignored nine safety signs deterring them from the walk.

With the ability to use their phones as distress beacons, a large rescue party was dispatched, including 3 lifeboats, 40 volunteers, and a UK Coastguard rescue helicopter equipped with a FLIR Star SAFIRE 380-HD camera.

The Coastguard was able to locate the victims thanks to their FLIR thermal camera, and dispatch the ground efforts to the teens' location. Making this another successful mission using FLIR and bringing the teens back to safety.

Stay safe this summer by taking notice of safety signs, being mindful of the surroundings, and carrying proper equipment in case of an emergency.

Read the BBC’s account of the rescue and be sure to watch the video featuring FLIR’s thermal imaging.

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